How Are Women Defending the Istanbul Convention Across Turkey?

The recent debate regarding Turkey’s possible withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention has sparked protests all over Turkey. Women and Lgbti+ have taken to the streets in defense of their basic human rights. We spoke to 5 of these organizations across the country.

İstanbul Sözleşmesi Tartışması: Son 10 Yılda Ne değişti?

İstanbul Sözleşmesi, sadece Türkiye’nin cinsiyet eşitliği sicilini görmede değil, AKP ve Türkiye’nin geleceğini de öngörme konusunda kritik bir araç oldu.

İl İl Kadınlar İstanbul Sözleşmesi’ne Nasıl Sahip Çıkıyor?

Türkiye’nin dört bir yanında İstanbul Sözleşmesi’nin her bir maddesine sahip çıkan kadınlarla görüştük.

Havle Women’s Association: “Contrary to general assumptions, the Justice and Development Party base does not comply with everything that the government decrees”

Contrary to the general assumptions, the Justice and Development Party base does not comply with everything that the government decrees, neither about alimony law, early marriages nor about the withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention.  

The Istanbul Convention Debate: What Has Changed in a Decade?

The Istanbul Convention has become a very critical lens not only to see the record of gender equality in Turkey but also to predict AKP’s and Turkey’s future.

MP Meral Danış Beştaş: “There is a lot of work we can do, and we, after all, are the half of this country”

We spoke with Meral Danış Beştaş, member of Parliament from the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP), one of the lawyers in the Opuz Case, in which the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) held a state accountable for discrimination caused by gender-based domestic violence for the first time. Beştaş explains how the Opuz Case was foundational for the Istanbul Convention.

Feminist Philosopher Nilgün Toker: “The current government pushes the concept of rights out of the domain of politics.”

We interviewed Prof. Dr. Nilgün Toker on the connections between the recent restrictive regulation on social media, the status change of Hagia Sophia from museum to mosque, and the current discussions to rescind from the Istanbul Convention.

Havle Kadın Derneği: AKP tabanı iktidarla aynı fikirde değil.

Nafaka, erken yaşta evlilik ya da şimdi sözünü ettiğimiz İstanbul Sözleşmesi’nin kaldırılması konusunda AKP tabanı iktidarla aynı şeyi söylemiyor.

Lawyer Hatice Demir: “The Convention explicitly bans discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity”

Thanks to the Istanbul Convention, in the event of a partner violation or persistent pursuit against LGBTQ+ individuals, we can get results when we apply for restraining or protection orders.

Meral Danış Beştaş: “Yapabileceğimiz çok iş var, neticede biz bu ülkenin yarısıyız”

AİHM’in, tarihinde ilk defa ev içi şiddete uğrayan tarafın kadın olması sebebiyle ayrımcılığa uğradığı gerekçesiyle bir devleti mahkûm ettiği ‘Nahide Opuz davası’nı ve İstanbul Sözleşmesi’ne giden bu süreci, davada Nahide Akgün Opuz’un avukatı olan HDP Siirt Milletvekili Meral Danış Beştaş ile konuştuk.

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